
The Sheriff of Love is the county’s elected protector. He looks out for the well being of the residents, businesses, visitors, animals, land, water, air, history and future. His every action is motivated by universal love, and untainted by fear.

The above statement is how I first imagined an ideal sheriff, and what I aspire to achieve. Of course I am a real man running for the real office of sheriff of Boulder County, Colorado in the real election to be held in November 2014. I have little experience with politics or law-enforcement, especially as a career. I do however have a great deal of real-world experience, and currently work as a handyman in Boulder where I have the opportunity to meet a wide variety of residents. I have been a commercial fisherman, a mathematician, and a scientist. I have walked the Earth, witnessed governments overthrown and rebuilt, and interacted with wild animals and wild men in an amicable fashion.

Politically I have sympathies with aspects of most parties, but as I intend to represent everyone I will be running as an Independent. I will campaign as time permits, and welcome invitations to appear. I intend to attend a different county church each week, and welcome suggestions. I did not collect enough signatures to place my name on the 2014 ballot, but have met the requirements of a write-in candidate. Assistance and encouragement of all sorts is needed and welcome, however I am not accepting campaign contributions nor managing a campaign. I am offering myself as your humble public servant, and remain focused on educating and preparing myself to hold office effectively.

Toby Fernsler, write-in candidate for Boulder County sheriff November 2014



2 thoughts on “About

    1. I have to approve the first comment anyone makes on this site, after that all comments are automatically approved. It helps a lot with spam, somehow spammers are incapable of saying a single non-spam sentence. Thanks for the check-in, we need all the allies we can get.


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